Do Determinants Influence the Capital Structure Decision in Bangladesh? A Panel Data Analysis
Written by Mohammad Nazim Uddin, Mohammed Shamim Uddin Khan, Mosharrof Hosen |
Hits: 729
The Mediating Effects of Student Attitudes on the Learning Preferences and Perceived Academic Stress Towards Online Education
Written by Eric S. Parilla |
Hits: 692
Marketing and Its Impact on Service Quality in the Healthcare Industry of Pakistan
Written by Saqib Mehmood, Muhammad Umer, Muhammad Mohsin Zahid, Ahsen Maqsoom |
Hits: 677
The Role of Relational Trust During Covid-19 Pandemic among University Students
Written by Shahsuzan Zakaria, Muhammad Faizal Samat, Azizan Abdullah |
Hits: 615
Does Gender Differences Matter! Investigating the Prejudiced Practices and Gender-Role Conflict Among Female Professionals Working in Male-Dominated Professions
Written by Roohi Mumtaz |
Hits: 646