Exposure to Common Idiosyncratic Volatility on Stock Returns in ASEAN Stock Markets
Written by Pratiwi Noviayanti and Zaäfri Husodo |
Hits: 1684
The Direct and Indirect Impacts of Good Corporate Governance on Banking Stability: An Empirical Study in Indonesia
Written by Sari Yuniarti, Grahita Chandrarin and Edi Subiyantoro |
Hits: 1630
Remuneration Reward Management System as a Driven Factor of Employee Performance
Written by S. Martono, Moh. Khoiruddin and Nury Ariani Wulansari |
Hits: 2415
IT Implementation on Indonesian SMEs: Challenge or Barriers?
Written by Dekeng Setyo Budiarto, Marti Widya Sari, Arif Sudaryana and Muhammad Agung Prabowo |
Hits: 1729
The U-Shaped Relationships between Business Units’ Strategy, Use of Accounting Performance Measures and Budgetary Slack
Written by Fuad, Daljono and Dwi Ratmono |
Hits: 1600
Behind Budget Deviation in the Indonesian Local Government’s Electoral Cycle
Written by Sutaryo, Daniyah Ainur Rossa, Y. Anni Aryani, Isna Putri Rahmawati and Muhtar |
Hits: 1493
Promoting Islamic Values to Encourage Labour Performance and Productivity: Evidence from Some Indonesian Industries
Written by Dede Rosyada, M. Arief Mufraini, Ade Suherlan, Harmadi Harmadi and Supriyono Supriyono |
Hits: 1642
Predicting Employee’s Intention to Leave: The Role of Homesickness and Cross-Cultural Adjustment among Employees Assigned across Indonesia
Written by Rizki Basuki and Asri Laksmi Riani |
Hits: 1459
Attitude toward Green Product, Willingness to Pay and Intention to Purchase
Written by Siti Khoiriyah and Muh Juan Suam Toro |
Hits: 1945
The Role of Leader Political Skill and Ethical Leadership on Employee Deviance Behavior
Written by Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri, Joko Suyono, Sinto Sunaryo and Yohana Tamara |
Hits: 1577