Comparison of Stock Selection Methods: An Empirical Research On The Borsa Istanbul
Written by Ali Sezin Ozdemir, Kaya Tokmakcioglu |
Hits: 1018
Cashless Payments and Banking Performances: A Study of Local Commercial Banks in Malaysia
Written by Ming-Pey Lu |
Hits: 1027
Dispositional Dimension of Trust on Customer Interaction with the Banking Sector: A Smartpls Approach
Written by Abdulrahman Bada Bello, Premalatha Karupiah |
Hits: 1027
Malaysian Chinese CEOs and Firm Performance
Written by Foong Swee Sim |
Hits: 1022
The Moderating Role of Organisational Support Towards Achieving a Good Work-Life Balance in the New Normal: A Malaysian Lecturers’ Perspective
Written by Mokana Muthu Kumarasamy, Farhana Hasbolah, Hanissah Hamzah, Khairun Natasha Mohd Fazmi, Siti Aisyah Omar |
Hits: 1045
Facilitate Affective Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Technology Employees in the Chinese IT Companies
Written by Shi Hu |
Hits: 1044
The Influence of Service Quality and Corporate Image of Royal Brunei Airlines: A Partial Least Square Approach
Written by Tak-Jie Chan, Nurin Zahiah Irwan, Nor Azura Adzharuddin, Hon-Tat Huam |
Hits: 1057
Exploring Perceived Organisational Support and Resilience as Antecedents of Expatriates’ Work and Non-Work Spheres Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Written by Hak Liong Chan, Dahlia Zawawi, Pei Sung Toh, Shian Mun Emily Gunn |
Hits: 1047
Modelling the Significance of Global Mind-Set and Halal Brand Trust to Determine the Performance of Halal SMEs
Written by Marvello Yang, Norizan Jaafar, Sin Kit Yeng, Abdullah Al Mamun |
Hits: 986
Do Corporate Governance Mechanisms Truly Act as the Drivers of Shareholder Value in the Banking Sector in Bangladesh? Evidence from the Economic Profit Perspective
Written by Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Md. Shajul Islam, Md Moslahur Reza |
Hits: 975