Examining the Relationship between Business and Society in an Emerging Economy
Written by Andika Putra Pratama |
Hits: 1737
Entrepreneurial Behaviour Revisited: Linking Self-Efficacy with Effectuation
Written by Andreas Hinz |
Hits: 2091
Understanding the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Spirit and Global Competitiveness: Implications for Indonesia
Written by Gandhi Pawitan, Catharina B. Nawangpalupi and Maria Widyarini |
Hits: 1998
Needs Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Policy at the Agenda-Setting Stage
Written by Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti, Togar M. Simatupang, Dwi Larso and Dohar Bob M. Situmorang |
Hits: 1546
Potential Impacts of Redenomination: A Business Perspective
Written by Bulan Prabawani |
Hits: 2139
Examining an Endangered Knowledge Transfer Practice Known as “Mapalus” in an Indonesian Village: Implications for Entrepreneurial Activities and Economic Development
Written by Nikolas F. Wuryaningrat, Arie F. Kawulur and Lydia I. Kumajas |
Hits: 1986
Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Joint Corporate Social Responsibility Program to Empower People in an Indonesian Village
Written by Donald Crestofel Lantu, Shaniqua Adalawiya Pulungan and Diena Yudiarti |
Hits: 1666
Building a Self-Sustaining Learning Center through an Integrated Multidimensional Community Development Program: A Case Study in an Indonesian Village
Written by Anggara Wisesa, Vanessa Purnawan and Amilia Wulansari |
Hits: 2148
Knowledge Sharing Behavior and Quality among Workers of Academic Institutions in Indonesia
Written by Saide, Rahmat Trialih, Hsiao-Lan Wei, Okfalisa and Wirdah Anugrah |
Hits: 2171
Contextual Ambidexterity in SMEs in Indonesia: A Study on How It Mediates Organizational Culture and Firm Performance and How Market Dynamism Influences Its Role on Firm Performance
Written by Khairul Ikhsan, Rangga Almahendra and Teguh Budiarto |
Hits: 2012