Dealing With Uncertainty: An Analysis of VRIN Resources for SME’s Business Survival
Written by Nik Hazimah Nik Mat, Syuhaida Mohamed@Jaafar, Aina Syuhaila Mohamad |
Hits: 772
Intensifying Employees' Job Performance in Palestine Banking Sector: How Personal Attributes Tell Us?
Written by Anas Mahmoud Salem Abukhalifa, Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil |
Hits: 770
Leveraging Green Human Resource Management Practices towards Environmental Performance: An Empirical Evidence from the Manufacturing Context in Emerging Economy
Written by Mahi Uddin |
Hits: 718
CSR Practices Disclosure’s Impact on Corporate Financial Performance and Market Performance: Evidence of Malaysian Public Listed Companies
Written by Vani Tanggamani, Azlan Amran, T. Ramayah |
Hits: 785
The Moderating Effect of Human Capital on the Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Organization Performance
Written by Noradiva Hamzah, Ruhanita Maelah, Omar Muwafaq Saleh |
Hits: 849