Applying Social Capital Theory on Conservation Policies of Protected Areas: A Case Study of Penang, Malaysia
Written by Teik Aun Wong, Mohammad Reevany Bustami, Sazlina Md Salleh |
Hits: 1056
The Mediation Effect of Online Shopping Habits on Personality Traits and Intention to Recommend; the Covid-19 Effect
Written by Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar, Nur Aishah Awi, Bilal Eneizan, Fadi Mohammed Alshannag |
Hits: 1094
Factors Motivating the Adoption of Geographical Indication-Based Quality Standards among Robusta Coffee Farmers in Indonesia
Written by Hanifah Ihsaniyati, Nuning Setyowati, Pardono |
Hits: 995
Cloud Computing Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Future Research
Written by Olakunle Jayeola , Shafie Sidek, Azmawani Abd Rahman, Anuar Shah Bali Mahomed, Jimin Hu |
Hits: 1081
Determinants of Tax Revenue: A Comparison Between ASEAN-7 Plus China And 8- European Countries
Written by Lien Nguyen-Phuong, Nhung Nguyen Thi Phuong , Hang Dang Thi Thu |
Hits: 1045
The Mediating Role of Continuous Improvement on the Relationship between Workplace Learning Dimensions and Sustainable Lean Manufacturing
Written by Agnes Siang-Siew Lim, Surena Sabil, Abang Ekhsan Bin Abang Othman |
Hits: 1027
Understanding the Gold-Inflation Nexus In Malaysia: Hedge and Safe Haven Perspectives
Written by Mohd Fahmi Ghazali, Nurul Fasyah Mohd Ussdek, Hooi Hooi Lean, Ahmad Monir Abdullah , Anath Rau Krishnan |
Hits: 1007
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Traceability System Implementation for Shark and Ray Products in Pahang, Malaysia: Insights from Key Informant Interviews
Written by Roba’a Yusof, Ahmad Shuib, Sridar Ramachandran, Ahmad Ali, Illisriyani Ismail |
Hits: 1037
Earnings Management in Small Listed Firms in Malaysia Using Quantile Regression
Written by Shamsul Nahar Abdullah |
Hits: 961
Strategic Agility: Linking People and Organisational Performance of Private Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia
Written by Josephine Ie Lyn Chan, Rajendran Muthuveloo |
Hits: 986