The Impact of Microfinance Services on Socio-Economic Welfare of Urban Vulnerable Households in Malaysia
Written by Her-Loke Koh, Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Yee-Yen Yuen, Suganthi Ramasamy, Guan-Gan Goh |
Hits: 892
Hot Money and Stock Market in China: Empirical Evidence from ARDL and NARDL Approaches
Written by Kwang-Jing Yii, Chai-Thing Tan, Nian-Meng Tan, Xue-Wen Teng, Ting-En Khor, Sui-Hang Fan |
Hits: 798
Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Communication Competence
Written by Anita Rahmawaty, Wahibur Rokhman, Anton Bawono, Nafis Irkhami |
Hits: 885
Asymmetric Pass-Through Effects of Oil Price on Economic Growth in Malaysia
Written by Umar Bala, Chin Lee, Rabiu Maijama’a |
Hits: 798
Synergized Network Asset: A Driver for Indonesia’s Furniture Industries to Elevate Marketing Performance
Written by Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan, Augusty Tae Ferdinand |
Hits: 837
Life Disrupted and Regenerated: Coping With the ‘New Normal’ Creative Arts in the Time of Coronavirus
Written by Connie Lim Keh Nie, Chong-Lee Yow, Chow Ow Wei |
Hits: 1185
Women Leadership and Its Association to Individual Characteristics, Social Support, and Diversity of Work Environment
Written by Eddy Madiono Sutanto, Vilensya Aveline |
Hits: 798
Rural Bank and Regional Economic Development: Evidence from Indonesia
Written by Jamal Wiwoho, Nugroho Saputro, Putra Pamungkas, Irwan Trinugroho, Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Francisca Sestri Goestjahjantie |
Hits: 797
Hiring the Right CEO: How Does the Type of CEO Industry Experience Affect Firm Performance, Firm Risk-Taking Behavior, and CEO Compensation?
Written by Candra Chahyadi, Trang Doan, Junnatun Naym |
Hits: 743
Application of Cost-Benefit and Break-Even Analysis for the Development of Stingless Bees Farming in Malaysia
Written by Ilmas Abdurofi, Mohd Mansor Ismail, Normaz Wana Ismail, Amin Mahir Abdullah |
Hits: 882