Financial Assessment of Smallholder Oil Palm Production in Unsuitable Areas of Surat Thani Province, Thailand
Written by Suthijit Choengthong, Suchart Choengthong, Nongnuch Aungyureekul and Saitip Soraj |
Hits: 1023
Ownership Concentration, Corporate Liquidity, and Dividend Payment Policy: Evidence from Indonesian Financial Industries
Written by Antonius Siahaan, Yosman Bustaman and Indah Larisa Sari |
Hits: 1014
Willingness to Accept of Adopting Sustainable Terubok Fisheries in Sarawak by Using Contingent Valuation Method
Written by Nur Syahmina Abdul Ghanie, Dayang Affizzah Awang Marikan and Nor Afiza Abu Bakar |
Hits: 1052
Information Distribution and Informed Trading in Mixed and Islamic Capital Markets
Written by Rahma Tri Benita, Siti Damayanti and Irwan Adi Ekaputra |
Hits: 1084
Role of Network Externalities and Innovation Characteristics in Influencing Intentions to Use an Online Bank: Moderating Technological Anxiety
Written by Nancy Gloria Miranda and Tengku Ezni Balqiah |
Hits: 969
Total Factor Productivity Shock and Economic Growth in Selected Asean+3 Countries: A New Evidence Using a Panel Var
Written by Noorazeela Zainol Abidin, Ishak Yussof and Zulkefly Abdul Karim |
Hits: 1049
How Important Is Institutional Quality to Lower Energy Utilization: An Analysis Using a Global Panel of Stable and Unstable Countries
Written by Fatemeh Dehdar, Rajah Rasiah and M. Mahdi Dehdar |
Hits: 970
Development and Performance of the Pepper Industry in Malaysia: A Critical Review
Written by Harry Entebang, Swee-Kiong Wong and Zehnder Jarroop Augustine Mercer |
Hits: 1375
A Multi-Country Study of Factors Affecting Credit Ratings Revisions
Written by Angeline Siew-Huan Ng and Mohamed Ariff Syed Mohamed |
Hits: 1122
How Social Factor Determine Individual Taxpayers’ Tax Compliance Behaviour in Malaysia?
Written by Nivakan Sritharan, Sahari Salawati and Sharon Choy-Sheung Cheuk |
Hits: 1563