Factors Influencing the Intensity of Using Digital Social Networks among Indonesian Millennial Tourists
Written by Annisa Husnul Latifah and Hapsari Setyowardhani |
Hits: 1052
Capital Structure and Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Malaysian Industries
Written by Hapsah S.Mohammad and Imbarine Bujang |
Hits: 1032
Financial Literacy: The Impact on the Profitability of the SMEs in Kuching
Written by Shafinah Rahim and Vinod Raj Balan |
Hits: 1156
Factors Influencing E-Commerce Adoption: Evaluation Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
Written by Kit-Yeng Sin and Mun-Chong Sin |
Hits: 1046
Examining the Relationship between Information Security Effectiveness and Information Security Threats
Written by Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Tri Soesantari, Asad Khan and Aang Kisnu Dermawan |
Hits: 973
Using Role Playing Activities to Improve Thai EFL Students’ Oral English Communication Skills
Written by Suchada Tipmontree and Asama Tasanameelarp |
Hits: 1000
Idiosyncratic Risk and Firm Characteristics on Islamic Stocks of Four Asean Countries 2005–2017
Written by Putri Utami and Muhammad Budi Prasetyo |
Hits: 893
Pricing Mechanism and IPO Initial Return: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange
Written by Waqas Mehmood, Rasidah Mohd-Rashid and Abd Halim Ahmad |
Hits: 1073
Managing Eco-Friendly Strategy Implementation and Its Impacts on Business Performance: The Role of Organizational Strategic Capabilities
Written by Elok S. Pusparini, Budi Widjaja Soetjipto, Riani Rachmawati, Lily Sudhartio and Uliyatun Nikmah |
Hits: 1100
Challenges of Women Leaders in Female and Male Dominated Occupations
Written by Agota Giedrė Raišienė, Jolita Gečienė and Renata Korsakienė |
Hits: 1150