Bridging the Gap between Organisational Practices and Cyber Security Compliance: Can Cooperation Promote Compliance in Organisations?
Written by Maslina Daud, Rajah Rasiah, Mary George, David Asirvatham and Govindamal Thangiah |
Hits: 1523
Malaysian Batik Industry Contribution Analysis Using Direct and Indirect Effects of Input-Output Techniques
Written by Noor Haslina Mohamad Akhir, Normaz Wana Ismail and Chakrin Utit |
Hits: 2241
Designing Effective Field Trip Activities to Develop Students’ Cultural Intelligence
Written by Aurik Gustomo, Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto, Achmad Ghazali and Shimaditya Nuraeni |
Hits: 1441
Managing The Actor’s Network, Business Model and Business Model Innovation to Increase Value of the Multidimensional Value Networks
Written by Dina Dellyana, Togar M Simatupang and Wawan Dhewanto |
Hits: 1340
Costs and Benefits of Business-Government Relations: Empirical Analysis of Former-Communist Transition Economies
Written by Maggie Szeto and Young-Choon Kim |
Hits: 1611
Reversal on Disposition Effect: Evidence From Indonesian Stock Trader Behavior
Written by Wirata Adi Dharma and Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto |
Hits: 1124
Optimal Assets Allocation for Risk Averse Investor under Market Risks and Credit Risk
Written by Nora Amelda Rizal, Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono and Ahmad Danu Prasetyo |
Hits: 1174
Readiness to Change in the Public Sector
Written by Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri and Salamah Wahyuni |
Hits: 1275